How to check data on strlen when last token \ n counts as strlen

I am reading a file to input and tokenize a string to get various components to populate a structure.
Every line I read, or every line I tokenise is separated by a newline character, so this is the line that I tokenize. I am passing tokens to an array and checking the data from the array.
I test each token for string length and sometimes a different validation.
The problem is that the last marker of the last line of the file has no data, but a new line is entered, it passes the validation check for strlen, but still it is an empty string.
I tried to check the number of tokens, but if a separator exists, the token was counted.
I'm not sure how to check this.

I tried strcmp for '\ n' and '\ 0'

char tokens[MAX_ARRAY][MAX_TOKEN_LEN];
char *str;
char *token;
const char *s = "|";
int count =0;

token = strtok(str, s);

while(token != NULL)
    strcpy(tokens[count], token);
    /*add token to struct*/
    token = strtok(NULL, s);
/*check that there are correct number of tokens/fields*/
    return false;

    return false;
/*to test if this is not the last string in the file and only
a newline is entered, as it will pass the MIN_DESC_LEN test,
but the ending \n will be changed to \0
I have also tested for if(strcmp(tokens[3],"\n")==0) */
    return false;


Interestingly, any line that is not the last line, an empty token at the end will give a failed validation.

edit: I've also tried:

    return false;



    return false;


I have asked the minimum length just for this question.


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