Selecting element with id having colon in Sizzle / jQuery

I have HTML that has some elements with colons IDs. For example,

<div id="i:have:colons">Get my selector!!</div>
<my:another:test> This time with tag names </my:another:test>


I want to highlight these elements using jQuery. Here are my little tries and Jsbin Demo

function escape(id) {
  return id.replace( /(:|\.|\[|\])/g, '\\$1');

var id = "i:have:colons";

// Does not work
console.log($('#' + id).length);

// Works

var escapedId = escape(id);

// Q1. Why answer shows only 1 backslash while I used 2 in regex
console.log(escapedId); //'i\:have\:colons'

// Works
console.log($('#' + escapedId).length);

// Q2. Does not work while escapedId === 'i\:have\:colons'. How and why ?
console.log($('#' + 'i\:have\:colons').length);


Edit after TJ's answer

var tag = 'my:another:test';

console.log('Testing tag name now----');


var tag2 = tag.replace(/[:]/g, '\\\\:');

// Does not work with tagnames but this works with Id

var tag3 = tag.replace(/[:]/g, '\\:');

// Q3. Why does this work with tagnames but not with ids ?


My question is in the comments in the JS code.


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1 answer

// Q1. Why does answer only show 1 backslash when I used 2 in regex

Because the string you used as a replacement only had one backslash, because backslashes are special in string literals. To get the actual backslash in the selector you need \\

in a string literal. But your function is escape

correct because you only need one in the current regex.

// Q2. Doesn't work yet escapedId === 'i\:have\:colons'

. How and why?

console.log($('#' + 'i\:have\:colons').length);

For the same reason, there are no backslashes in the switch. \:

in a string literal is simple :

. You need to escape backslashes:

console.log($('#' + 'i\\:have\\:colons').length);


Options for selecting these items:

  • Use the value incorrectly id

    using a function escape


  • Use getElementById



  • Use an attribute selector:


    But it will be slower (although chances are low that it matters) since jQuery will not optimize it in the call getElementById




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