Floating inside an absolute positioned div, placed inside a relative positioned element

I am creating a pure CSS cursor dropdown menu based on a very simple idea.


<ul id="top">
    <a href="#">Menu item 1</a></li>
    <a href="#">This one has submenu</a>
    <div class="submenu">



div.submenu { 
  display: none; 
  position: absolute;
ul#top > li:hover div.submenu { display:block; }


As far as I know, this is the minimum minimum for the idea to work. The problem is, I want the submenu to be multi-column without actually using multiple CSS3 columns.

So, I decided to split my submenu into multiple lists and have them float: left

like this:

<ul id="top">
    <a href="#">Menu item 1</a></li>
    <a href="#">This one has submenu</a>
    <div class="submenu">


... and CSS:

div.submenu ul { float:left; }


This worked until I got a rather large submenu in the last item of the main menu, creating a result like this:

The problem is that it is unacceptable for the submenu to extend outside the container . I decided to mark the second half of the main menu items like class="right"

and even out the right frame sub-menu with the right border of the parent element .

li.right div.submenu { right: 0; }
/* this placed the submenu to the right of the entire page;
it needs a positioning context: */

ul#top li { position:relative; }


This last line makes you <ul>

stop swimming and just stack on top of each other.

Is there a way to keep them floating without setting a <div class="submenu">

fixed width?

Interactive demo: http://codepen.io/oli-g-sk/pen/ociet

Edit: if it helps somehow, heallowed to set submenu list items .submenu > ul > li

to fixed width. In fact, I am already doing this in the demo.


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1 answer

Try to remove float:left

from div.submenu ul

and add the following two rules:

div.submenu {
    white-space: nowrap;

div.submenu ul {
    /* float:left; <-- remove this */
    display: inline-block;


demo: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ApxFd



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