Pass properties as JSON in SoapUI

I have a series of steps to create as a use case for a program I am working on. For example, a user must first create a CASE and send a response _id (database key) as a case_id when creating an IDENTITY.

POST CASE request:

{ "display_name" : "Sample Case"}



   "synthetic": false,
   "last_updated": "2014-08-25 16:50:07.956611",
   "encrypted": false,
   "date_created": "2014-08-25 16:50:07.956602",
   "_id": "53fb693fc41be928380d5fe0",
   "display_name": "Sample Case"


The answer is in XML:

      <date_created>2014-08-25 16:50:07.956602</date_created>
      <display_name>Sample Case</display_name>
      <last_updated>2014-08-25 16:50:07.956611</last_updated>



    "display_name" : "John Doe",
    "case_id" : "53fb693fc41be928380d5fe0",
    "type" : "person",


The problem I'm running into is that while I can grab the _id value from the case response and populate it in the property set, I can't figure out how to turn that properties object into a JSON request (which is the program I am with working, requires REST requests).

Is there a way to dynamically generate JSON data for a REST request using Test Suite?


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2 answers

If you just want to paste something from the previous answer, you can use the SoapUI property extension:



So your example would look something like this:

    "display_name" : "John Doe",
    "case_id" : "${previous_step_name#ResponseAsXml#//*:_id}",
    "type" : "person",


If you want something more interesting to "dynamically create JSON data", you will need to explain exactly what you want. Here's a good place for you to start:



JSONBuilder is an option like @SiKing.

A very simple solution for this is to add differents templates to your project with the format of each request.

CaseTemplate.json →

{ "display_name" : "${display_name}"}


IdentityTemplate.json →

"display_name" : "Sample Case",
"case_id" : "${case_id}",
"type" : "${display_name}"


Then, before each test request step in property passing, you can set the Request Property of the test request step with the contents of one of these payloads.

Source: Name_of_your_project -> Property:IdentityTemplate
Target: Request_test_step_name -> Property: Request


And then set all the properties of your new template in another property transfer.

Make sure you have defined these properties correctly in the rest request interface.



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