Is.integer () behavior on reassignments

Let's create an integer vector and assign an integer value to its 1st element and re-assign it to non-integer.

> int = integer(0)
> int[1]
> NA
> is.integer(int)
[1] TRUE

# assign int[1] to an integer
> int[1] = 1L
> is.integer(int)
[1] TRUE
# Now, re-assign to a non-integer
> int[1] = 1
> is.integer(int)
[1] FALSE # as expected


Now let's do the same, but in reverse order, that is, first assign a non-integer number, and then assign an integer again.

# try again assigning to a non-integer first
> int = integer(0)
> int[1] = 1
> is.integer(int)
# Now, assigning to integer
> int[1] = 1L
> is.integer(int)
[1] FALSE # why?


Does the type of the last assessment match the previous assignment?


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4 answers

I would formulate the behavior you see a little differently:

x <- 1:2
> storage.mode(x)
[1] "integer"
> x <- x + 0.5
> storage.mode(x)
[1] "double"
> x
[1] 1.5 2.5
> storage.mode(x) <- "integer"
> x
[1] 1 2


In general, asking R to convert objects back to an integer can lead to information loss. So when an assignment forces you to convert a double, there is no return unless you explicitly ask for it (which is good).

In the particular example you chose, it was assumed that there was only one value, but R really does not have a scalar type, so everything has to think in terms of vectors. This means that many R operations need to be aware of the possible effects that all things will have on integer vectors of values.



Does the type of the last assessment match the previous assignment?

Not. int[1] = 1

implicitly coerces int

from integer to numeric because you assigned a numeric value to an element of an integer vector.

In the example below, R will not force coercion num

from a number to an integer, because that could result in data loss ... and always checking if a numeric vector from an integer can be safely distinguished is inefficient.

num <- numeric(0)
num[1] <- 1L




If you wanted to is.integer

return what you expected, you would need to do some action that would force this numeric (== 8 byte type) to an integer (4 byte). Assigning an integer value to a numeric vector would not require coercion. The same thing happens if you assign a boolean empty integer:

> int = integer(0)
>  int[1]
[1] NA
> int[1] <- FALSE
> int
[1] 0




From ?is.integer



returns TRUE

either FALSE

depending on whether its argument is an integer type

or not, unless it is a factor when it returns FALSE


Putting this on a test, we can see why is.integer


> int <- integer(0)
> int[1] <- 1
> typeof(int)
# [1] "double"
> int[1] <- 1L
> typeof(int)
# [1] "double"




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