Smack 4 throws "SSLHandshakeException: ValidatorException: SunCertPathBuilderException" on connection

To test the integration of my xmpp stack, I have installed vysper (0.7) server on localhost. Now I want to connect to the server using smack-core and smack-tcp in 4.0.2.


Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


Since the smack 4 api has changed a lot, the examples found so far can no longer be used. Has anyone tried this before?


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tells us that the SSL / TLS handshake failed because there was ValidatorException

, which tells us that "PKIX path building failed failed" because it was called SunCertPathBuilderException

because the Java API "could not find a valid certification path for the requested purpose."

The Java API (i.e. this is not done by Smack) was unable to create a valid certificate chain for the SSL / TLS server certificate with an active SSLContext. This is why this is an exception. You need to provide either a valid certifcate (however this is determined by your currently used SSLContext) or tell Smack to use SSLContext ( ConnectionConfiguration.setCustomSSLContext(SSLContext)

) which accepts your current server certificate



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