Php eloquent enumeration

Anyone familiar with working with this library:

I am having trouble converting an instance of a constant back to a constant value.

class TestEnum extends AbstractEnumeration
    const THING1 = 'test1';
    const THING2 = 'test2';

class DoStuff 
    public function action(TestEnum $test)
        if($test === 'test1') {
            echo 'THIS WORKS';

$enumTest = TestEnum::THING1();
$doStuff = new DoStuff();


My goal is to get the method action to print "IT WORKS". Since $ test is an instance of TestEnum, this will not be true.


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1 answer

You are close, but there are two problems:

  • It matters. Thing1

    ! =Thing1

  • $test

    when viewed as a string, its key is calculated Thing1

    . You want its meaning$test->value()


class TestEnum extends AbstractEnumeration
    const THING1 = 'test1';
    const THING2 = 'test2';

class DoStuff
    public function action(TestEnum $test)
        if($test->value() === 'test1') {
            echo 'THIS WORKS';

$enumTest = TestEnum::THING1();
$doStuff = new DoStuff();







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