Switch iOS 7 keyboard theme

Is there a way to create an app to switch between light and dark keyboard in iOS 7 on the fly, in an app?

Example. I would like to write a recording application that can switch between Dark and Light themes. The keyboard should be default white / light gray for the Light theme and black / dark gray for the Dark theme. The two different themes can be simply switched using the options in the app.


(Please forgive me if this is a stupid / super-obvious question. I'm not a programmer, but I want to hire him to build my ideas for iOS apps. I just want to make sure I'm making requests that are actually possible and not could find an answer to my specific question via searching here or google. Thanks!)


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1 answer

Just use this:

[textField setKeyboardAppearance:UIKeyboardAppearanceDark]; //Alert/Default/Dark/Light
[textField reloadInputViews];




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