Finding proximity by latitude and longitude

I am making a market type application where users enter product information and product address, now I geocode that address into latitude and longitude using Google Geodcoder and then process that information in a MySql database. Proximity search works flawlessly as long as I give the user a specific radius to search in the immediate vicinity. However, I cannot determine how I will handle it at the border of the country. I do not want people from India to be able to see the product from Pakistan, it will be a disaster for my statement as both are at war. Any suggestions as to how I can overcome this.

I had other suggestions too :

However, I want the best and most efficient way to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.


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2 answers

You can check the following PDF and the country restriction, I think you can restrict your search by country by including Where Country = 'XCountry' in your search .



You can either take note of the country by address when it is entered, or reverse geocode lat / lon and infer the country from that.,-73.961452&sensor=false



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