How to send bulk emails using Mandrill in Drupal 7
From Mandrill help :
Lists cannot be loaded or saved in Mandrill. Recipient or subscriber lists must be managed in your own database or application. Then, when you read to send an email, the recipient's information is passed to Mandrill in your API request or SMTP message.
Note. If you're looking for a service that provides list management services and the ability to create and track bulk emails, check out MailChimp .
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- Import a list of 30k emails into a spreadsheet in your database.
- Create another table named sent_emails where it stores a row for sql, a text column for html in a letter, another text column for a text message, a line column for a subject, date and time when you want to receive emails to send
- Cron up a bash script that runs every minute and checks the entries in the sent_emails table and if so, sends an email to the specified list of user ids that are generated from sql
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Yes, as @datashaman said, email lists cannot be imported into Mandrill or any other SMTP mail gateways like SendGrid, Amazon SES, MailGun, etc. But you can use third party email clients or email applications like Sendy to integrate Mandrill easily. You can check out Sendy setup services like easysendy , which can get it all for you. Using Sendy, you can manage your email subscriber list and send emails through SMTP gateways of your choice.
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