Data binding: property of model object changes from integer to string

My application creates a model object myModelObject

with a property foo

. Initially foo

set to an integer. foo

can be changed in the input form field.

Modify foo

this form field to be some other integer results in foo

, changing as a string.

Is there a way to ensure that the property remains intact after being modified via a form field?

Note: App.myModelObject.set("foo", 23)

results in what foo

remains an integer.

I am using Ember 1.7.0.


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1 answer

First of all, the <input type="range">

control property value

is a string. To quote the W3C wiki :

Range state is a control for setting the value of an item to a string representing a number.

I do not believe that you will overcome this basic browser limitation.

Second, your question is how to ensure that the value is Number

. You can do it like this:

App.NumericInputComponent = Ember.TextField.extend({
  init: function() {
    this.set('value', this.get('numericValue'));
  numericValue: 0,
  updateNumeric: function() {
    this.set('numericValue', Number(this.get('value')));
  updateValue: function() {
    var val= Number(this.get('numericValue'));
    this.set('value', Number.isNaN(val)?null:val);


In your template, use a component:

{{numeric-input type="range" numericValue=myValue min="0" max="100"}}


See the following jsbin:,js,output



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