Golang AES CFB - Mutation IV

I am writing a client application in Go that needs to interact with a program on the server. The client performs AES CFB encryption and the server decrypts. Unfortunately the server side has a bug when reusing the initialization vector. It tries to do 3 decryption operations based on: -
key1, iv
key2, iv
key3, iv

Because of this issue, iv is actually modified between decrypted operations. Now my problem is how to reproduce this client-side behavior using Go.

Inserting Println into the encryption function below, I see a cfb structure that I think contains the modified IV for the next block, but since this is a stream interface, I'm not sure how to extract it into a byte slice. Any suggestions?


package main

import (

func encrypt_aes_cfb(plain, key, iv []byte) (encrypted []byte) {
  block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
  if err != nil {
  encrypted = make([]byte, len(plain))
  stream := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(block, iv)
  stream.XORKeyStream(encrypted, plain)

func main() {
  plain := []byte("Hello world...16Hello world...32")
  key := make([]byte, 32)
  iv := make([]byte, 16)
  enc := encrypt_aes_cfb(plain, key, iv)
  fmt.Println("Key: ", hex.EncodeToString(key))
  fmt.Println("IV:  ", hex.EncodeToString(iv))
  fmt.Println("Enc: ", hex.EncodeToString(enc))



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1 answer

Going down the path you are hinting at is a little ugly and prone to interruption when the implementation changes.

You can get IV from stream:

s := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(stream))
lastIV := s.FieldByName("next").Bytes()


But, there is an easier way! Concatenate simple text inputs such that the stream for the second starts at IV from the end of the first (and so on).

Playground Example

combined := append(plain, plain2...)
encCombined := encrypt_aes_cfb(combined, key, iv)

enc := encCombined[:len(plain)]
enc2 := encCombined[len(plain):]




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