Using a block header to save a graph

So, I searched for an answer for this and found nothing. I hope there is nothing like this on board, so I am not wasting anyone's time. In a recent update, I accept RStudio, the method I used to save the graphs is gone. Below is an example of what it looks like:

```{r dummy, dev=c('png', 'pdf'), fig.height=4, fig.width=6}

x = 1:10
y = 10:1



The code will compile when I do this. However, when I chain in my code to preserve the plots, it doesn't preserve the graphics. Is there a way similar to this that is compatible with the updated RStudio / knitr? Thanks for the help!


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1 answer

you can add the self_contained: no parameter in the output section of the html_document output at the top of your Rmd. but the images are inline in html so you don't really need the images folder - rawr



    self_contained: no
    <other options>

res of knitr document...


this will create a couple of new directories and inside figure-html you can find images.



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