Min continuous range in VBA Excel

I am looking to find the minimum value of a non-contiguous range using Excel VBA. The main reason the range is non-contiguous is because I want the user to be able to select the range. Unfortunately, I could not find anything to match my situation.

Specifically, for the next two datasets, the user can select cells A1: A5, control the tap, and then select cells A7: A11. The macro should return the minimum values ​​in column C for all selected cells in column B (all of them in this example).

     A     B
1    1    0.1
2    2    2.0 
3    3    3.0
4    4    4.0 
5    5    5.0

6    6    0.05
7    7    0.2
8    8    0.3
9    9    0.4
10   10   0.5   


The following is what I used, but it only returns the minimum of the first, contiguous portion of the range.

Sub testa()

Dim RngA, out As Range
Dim MSA As Single

    Set RngA = Range(Selection.Address)
    MsgBox RngA.Address
    MSA = WorksheetFunction.Min(RngA.Offset(0, 1).Value)

    Set out = Worksheets("summary").Range("C13")

    out = MSA

End Sub


MsgBox should just check if the range is correct. This seems to be correct ($ A1: $ A5, $ A7: & A11). The output located on the "pivot" worksheet returns only the minimum of the first block of data, 0.10. The results should be 0.05 (cell B7).

I was thinking about running a loop to find the minimum for each part of the range, but I'm not sure how I would go about dividing "Selection.Address". Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get the macro to return the minimum value for the entire undefined range?


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1 answer

The MIN worksheet function is great for non-contiguous ranges and I haven't been able to reproduce your problems. The following code works as expected:

Sub test_min_in_non_contiguous_range()
    Dim area As Range: Set area = ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A$3, $A$5:$A$11")
    Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(area)
End Sub


Let me know if you have any problems with this :)

Edit: Just figured out that the problem is in your code.

MSA = WorksheetFunction.Min(RngA.Offset(0, 1).Value)


it should be

MSA = WorksheetFunction.Min(RngA.Offset(0, 1))




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