Rails 4 - Paperclip - Loading Image Using URI URI

Here's my question, I am using Rails 4 and paperclip to handle uploading images to my amazon s3 server. However, I want to allow the user to use their own webcam to take a picture instead of having to select an existing file on their hard drive.

When I take an image, I get the image data URI as a result :



My question is, how to load this image based on this data URI using paperclip in my image controller?

Is there a way to pass this DATA URI directly to my controller and the paperclip will take care of that? Or do I need to create and write a temporary file to restore the image and then pipe it to paperclip?

Thank you so much!


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1 answer


will try to find the correct adapter for the job, in this case Paperclip::DataUriAdapter

. You can also use Paperclip::DataUriAdapter

directly, of course.

def save_data_uri_to_attachment(data_uri)    

  # Instantiates Paperclip::DataUriAdapter attachment
  file = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(data_uri)
  file.original_filename = name

  # Save the model  
  model.attachment = file


Source: fooobar.com/questions/1565811 / ...

