AngularJS is the only controller for ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end

I have this HTML:

  <tr ng-repeat-start="client in clients" ng-controller="ClientCtrl">
     <td ng-click="toggleExpand()">
     <!-- some html -->
  <tr ng-show="isExpanded" ng-repeat-end>
     <!-- some html -->


And this is JS:

angular.module('app').controller('ClientCtrl', function($scope){
   $scope.isExpanded= false;
   $scope.toggleExpand = function(){
       $scope.isExpanded = !$scope.isExpanded;


For each repeating element I want to have one and the same instance ClientCtrl

is applicable to both ng-repeat-start

, and to ng-repeat-end

so that isExpanded

you can switch out ng-repeat-start

and accessed through ng-repeat-end


Is it possible?


I'm not looking for workarounds to get the toggle switch to work, which is what I really want to be able to swap scope in ng-repeat-start

and out ng-repeat-end

, and the functionality of the toggle is just an example.


source to share

2 answers

Consider how to do it:

  <tr ng-repeat-start="client in clients" ng-controller="ClientCtrl">
     <td ng-click="vm.toggleExpand()">
     <!-- some html -->
  <tr ng-show="vm.isExpanded" ng-repeat-end ng-controller="ClientEndCtrl">
     <!-- some html -->

angular.module('app').controller('ClientCtrl', function($scope){
   $scope.vm = {
       isExpanded: false,
       toggleExpand: function(){
           $scope.vm.isExpanded = !$scope.vm.isExpanded;
}).controller('ClientEndCtrl', function($scope){
    // vm is a shared view model across ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end
    $scope.vm = $scope.$$prevSibling.vm;




Yes it is. You will need to use the $index

item to be able to toggle each one separately.


  <tr ng-repeat-start="client in clients" ng-controller="ClientCtrl">
     <td ng-click="toggleExpand($index)">
     <!-- some html -->
  <tr ng-show="isExpanded($index)" ng-repeat-end>
     <!-- some html -->


And update the function toggleExpand




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