Sum of list items in Jinja 2

I have a list in Jinja2 that contains the dicts themselves. Something like

items = [{'name':'name1', 'points':5}, {'name':'name2', 'points':7}, 
 {'name':'name3', 'points':2}, {'name':'name4', 'points':11}]


I need to get the sum of all points and print them somewhere later.

Currently I got:

{% set points = 0 -%}
{% for single_item in items -%}
    {% set points = points + single_item["points"] -%}
{% endfor %}
{{ points }}


Result: 5 12 14 25 0

Is there any way I can get the points outside the loop to have a value of 25 (the last value from the loop)?


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3 answers

I was able to get it to work, although the solution is not elegant, but it works:

{% set points = [0] -%}
{% for single_item in items -%}
    {% if points.append(points.pop()+ single_item["points"]) -%}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ points }}


points will be an array with only one element that has a sum.

This can be done with the added do extension and will replace the {% if%} line.



Jinja2 includes a sum filter that will do this for you:

{{ items | sum(attribute='points') }}


See the documentation here:



This kind of logic should usually go in the controller and not in the template (separating the logic from the view). Pre-process your data and pass the elements as well as the total to the template:

from jinja2 import Template

template = Template(open('index.html').read())

items = [{'name': 'name1', 'points': 5},
         {'name': 'name2', 'points': 7},
         {'name': 'name3', 'points': 2},
         {'name': 'name4', 'points': 11}]

total = sum([i['points'] for i in items])

print template.render(items=items, total=total)




{% for item in items %}
    <td>{{ }}</td>
    <td>{{ item.points }}</td>
{% endfor %}


<strong>Total:</strong>{{ total }}


For more information on expression, sum([i['points'] for i in items])

see the list of concepts .



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