Kendo Grid Custom Column

I have the following code:

            dataSource: {
                type: "odata",
                data: scannedResult.targetList,
                pageSize: 20
            height: 550,
            groupable: true,
            sortable: true,
            pageable: {
                refresh: true,
                pageSizes: true,
                buttonCount: 5
            columns: [{
                field: "proccess",
                title: "Contact Name",
                width: 200
            }, {
                field: "status",
                title: "status"
            }, {
                field: "comment",
                title: "comment"


creating a simple kendo grid. for details here's my plunker .

now the field status

can be 1 of 3 values: passed, failed, skipped. I would like the column to status

display an icon instead of a value. While the code for this is pretty straightforward, I don't know how to make the column a custom column.

Is there a way to make the column a custom column?


source to share

2 answers

You must use a template definition. Something like:

  • Define a template.
<script id="status-template" type="text/kendo-templ">
     # if (data.status === 1) { #
     # } else if (data.status === 2) { #
         <span>Status 2</span>
     # } else { #
         <span>Status 3</span>
     # } #


  • Template reference from column definition

        columns: [{
            field: "proccess",
            title: "Contact Name",
            width: 200
        }, {
            field: "status",
            title: "status",
            template: $("#status-template").html()
        }, {
            field: "comment",
            title: "comment"


See how it works:

Obviously, the template can emit any HTML code, it can be links, images ...



This has already been answered, but I want to show how I would write this in case people get confused about hooking up with a jQuery selector.

// Custom Template that takes in entire Row object
function statusTemplate(dataRow) {
  return `<span class="label label-${dataRow.status.toLowerCase()}">${dataRow.status}</span>`;

// Column definitions for grid
columns: [{
  field: "proccess",
  title: "Contact Name",
  width: 200
}, {
  field: "status",
  title: "status",
  template: statusTemplate
}, {
  field: "comment",
  title: "comment"



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