What is the most efficient way to display mathematical formulas in an Android app?

I am coding for an Android application (for offline use) and I need to display math formulas and expressions in my views. What is the most efficient (easiest if possible) way to achieve this?


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3 answers

The easiest way that comes to my mind is:

Providing it with JavaScript using the loaded MathJax in WebView


For example, for such LaTeX, the input:

e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0


This will be the output:

Euler's identity( Euler id )



The most efficient is to simply use a custom font in the TextView. When I was learning MathML I came across a font solution. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Font: https://github.com/fred-wang/android-latin-modern-math



A year later, I found a library that could do this quite efficiently and used it in the current project. This is a link of this great work https://github.com/kexanie/MathView that you can easily include in your own code as another view component. It was much faster than the usual mathjax implementation in webview.



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