Encountered race even after using std :: atomic types

Could you please tell me if the following code is thread safe?

I think I ran into a race condition because Task2 is not running, although I set the params.b value to true from the GUI.

struct params { 
    params() {}
    ~params() {}
    atomic_bool a;
    atomic_bool b;

struct driver { 
    driver() {}
    ~driver() {}

    params myParams;

    void tFun() {
        while (1) {
            if (myParams.a) { /* DoTask1 */ }
            if (myParams.b) { /* DoTask2 */ }

    void DoSome() {
        std::thread t(&driver::tFun, this);
        while (1) {
            myParams.a = fromGui.val;
            myParams.b = fromGui.val;

int main() {
    driver myDriver;
    return 0;


Please use my use of fromGui.val, it should indicate that this value will be loaded from the GUI.


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2 answers

The situation I see is that fTun()

there is a mileage between the function and DoSome()


For example:

1. DoSome() sets a,b true 
2. tFun() executes in while loop, as a is true, it starts DoTask1
2. DoSome() sets a,b to false
3. tFun() finishes DoTask1 and come to check myParams.b which is false;
   DoTask2 is ignored!!
4. loop continues to step 1


If you always set a, b to true then there is no race to compare, tasks DoTask1 & DoTask2

should be done



I can't find any real race conditions here, but I believe this code may not work as expected on ALL OSes.

Let's see how to fix the problem.

void tFun() {
    while (1) {
         bool nop = false;
         if (myParams.a) { /* DoTask1 */ }
         else { nop = true; }
         if (myParams.b) { /* DoTask2 */ }
         else { nop = true; }
         if (nop) { std::this_thread::yield(); }

void DoSome() {
    std::thread t(&driver::tFun, this);
    while (1) {
        myParams.a = fromGui.val;
        myParams.b = fromGui.val;




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