Cannot find module with tag extension 'in import path

Although this question has been asked many times, none of the solutions worked for me. I also declared NDK_MODULE_PATH, but still get this error:

Android NDK: jni/ Cannot find module with tag 'extensions' in import path
Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ? 
Android NDK: The following directories were searched:
Android NDK:
jni/ *** Android NDK: Aborting.    .  Stop.


My files look like this:

 LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cocos2dx_static cocosdenshion_static
 LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += ezibyte_social_static
 LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos_extension_static


 $(call import-module,extensions)
 $(call import-module,CocosDenshion/android) 
 $(call import-module,cocos2dx) 
 $(call import-module,ezibyte/ezisocial/android) 


Please help me


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1 answer

I hope this one helps you.


NDK_MODULE_PATH is a very important variable when using in the $ (call import-module, XXX) function in external libraries to indicate where to find this file. If NDK_MODULE_PATH is not set or is not set correctly. Compile time error. Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is correctly defined.

Setting and format NDK_MODULE_PATH

NDK_MODULE_PATH is environment variable, setting variables are not NDK_MODULE_PATH multiple paths for colon segmentation. Not a semicolon! And the whole line without spaces. Not in the correct format may be the error above is incorrect.

Installation method NDK_MODULE_PATH

  • Add environment variables manually in the environment.
  • Running ndk-build in before using the export command defines the NDK_MODULE_PATH environment variable. For example: export NDK_MODULE_PATH = path 1: path 2: path 3
  • Immediately following NDK_MODULE_PATH = path 1: path 2 is added to the ndk-build command. The ndk-build parameter will be passed directly to make For example: $ NDK_ROOT_LOCAL / ndk-build -C $ HELLOWORLD_ROOT NDK_MODULE_PATH = path 1: path 2 (make aaa = 213 // before compiling the AAA makefile as environment variables set in 213)
  • You can set NDK_MODULE_PATH in Join import command, $ (call import-add-path, $ (LOCAL_PATH) / platform / third_party / android / prebuilt)


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