IOS - Implicit coercion to 32 bits in the database is not recommended


Please help, I think I'm going to go crazy, but I have an existing app designed for 32bit standard device. However, when I run on 64 bit problems I get this:

CoreData: warning: Property 'jobId' is a 64 bit scalar type on class 'JobSummary' 
that does not match its entity property 32 bit scalar type.  
Implicit coercion to 32 bits in the database is not recommended.




Is this something I need to do in order for it to work in both? It is currently one thing or the other.


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2 answers

In Swift, you can use something like this:

@NSManaged var jobId: Int32


It works great on both 32bit and 64bit devices.



If possible, convert your scalar values ​​to objects, i.e. NSNumber

... In the new version of the model, make sure the types int

you need (which makes them bigger if you're not sure).



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