Why are some custom fields missing from the Instagram / user / media / recent API calls?

I am getting inconsistent results when hitting Instagram API schema endpoints /users/{user-id}

/ /users/search

versus endpoint users/{user-id}/media/recent


When I hit the endpoints /users/{user-id}

/ /users/search

, you can see from the example below, I get fields like website

and bio



  "username": "kellyslater",
  "bio": "#Whappen?",
  "website": "http://aspworldtour.com",
  "profile_picture": "http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/profile_8139971_75sq_1333949277.jpg",
  "full_name": "kellyslater",
  "id": "8139971"


However, when you hit the endpoint users/{user-id}/media/recent

, you can see that these user fields are still returned, but not filled in (this seems to be consistent and it doesn't matter if I follow this user / this user follows me or not):


  "user": {
    "username": "kellyslater",
    "website": "",
    "profile_picture": "http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/profile_8139971_75sq_1333949277.jpg",
    "full_name": "kellyslater",
    "bio": "",
    "id": "8139971"


So the question is: What is the intentional behavior?

  • Should the Instagram API come back and populate those fields?
  • Should Instagram API NOT return these fields?
  • Or does it work as expected?

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1 answer

Instagram has resolved this with a March 2015 release; http://developers.instagram.com/post/112826291271/api-bug-fixes

In the end it was a mistake

There was a long-standing bug where some endpoints containing “user node” would have an empty “bio” and “website.” We have now removed those fields from all endpoints except / users / and / users / self.



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