PostGIS Entity Framework

I am trying to use Npgsql and Npgsql.EntityFramework with geography datatype. I can write data to the database, but I cannot restore it. I'm not sure if this is possible, so I would appreciate any help.

The class representing the table looks like this:

internal class Geo
    [Key, Column("geo_test_id")]
    public int GeoId { get; set; }

    public byte[] Geography { get; set; }


Data insertion is performed as follows:

var geog1 = System.Data.Spatial.DbGeography.FromText("POINT(-118.4079 33.9434)");
var geog2 = System.Data.Spatial.DbGeography.FromText("POINT(2.5559 49.0083)");

using (var db = new Database.MyDbContext())
    db.Geos.Add(new Database.Geo() { Geography = geog1.AsBinary() });
    db.Geos.Add(new Database.Geo() { Geography = geog2.AsBinary() });



Data search is performed as follows:

using (var db = new Database.MyDbContext())
     var geos = from g in db.Geos
                     select g.Geography;


The problem is that I am getting the following error: Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Byte[]'.

I also tried to store the geography data as a string. In this case, I can get it, but I cannot create a DbGeography object from text.

Any ideas? Thank!


Changes I made to the class ExpectedTypeConverter


else if (expectedType == typeof(byte[]))
     if (currentType == typeof(Guid))
         return ((Guid)value).ToByteArray();
     else if (value is Array)
         Array valueArray = (Array)value;
         int byteLength = Buffer.ByteLength(valueArray);
         byte[] bytes = new byte[byteLength];
         Buffer.BlockCopy(valueArray, 0, bytes, 0, byteLength);
         return bytes;
     else if (currentType == typeof(System.String)) // this part was added
         string hex = value.ToString();

         int numChars = hex.Length / 2;
         byte[] bytes = new byte[numChars];

         using (var sr = new StringReader(hex))
             for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++)
                 bytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(new string(new char[2] { (char)sr.Read(), (char)sr.Read() }), 16);

         return bytes;
         // expect InvalidCastException from this call
         return Convert.ChangeType(value, expectedType);



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