Counting strings in SQL Server by substrings

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. I currently have a table that looks like this:

   Text      DateLogged  SomeID  SomeOtherID
1234: Data   04/04/2014    1        190
3212: Text   04/04/2014    1        190
4332: Data   04/04/2014    1        190
1256: Data   04/04/2014    1        190


and also the following SQL query:

SELECT RIGHT(Text, LEN(Text) - CHARINDEX(':', Text) - 1) AS Sub, DateLogged, SomeID, SomeOtherID
FROM   Example
WHERE  SomeOtherID = 190


I would like to get the row counts with the same substring (Sub) for a report I am creating with SSRS. However, I cannot find a way to group the query results by substring (FYI, DateLogged and SomeID fields are used for grouping in the report). The report will look like this:

Month    SomeID     Sub     Count
                    Data      3
                    Text      1


Any solution is welcome, be it at the query level or the report level!


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1 answer

This is counting substrings:

SELECT RIGHT(Text, LEN(Text) - CHARINDEX(':', Text) - 1) AS Sub, count(*)
FROM   Example
WHERE  SomeOtherID = 190
GROUP BY RIGHT(Text, LEN(Text) - CHARINDEX(':', Text) - 1);


If you want a date and a different id:

SELECT datepart(month, datelogged) as mon,
       RIGHT(Text, LEN(Text) - CHARINDEX(':', Text) - 1) AS Sub,
       someotherid, count(*)
FROM   Example
WHERE  SomeOtherID = 190
GROUP BY datepart(month, datelogged) as mon,
         RIGHT(Text, LEN(Text) - CHARINDEX(':', Text) - 1),




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