How do I customize the prompt for selection using ng-options?

I have a selection that uses ng-options to populate the selection like this:

<select class="form-control" 
   ng-options="v as (v.Name ) for v in Data.people track by v.Name">


I don't want to add a value to the default collection if the people collection is empty or no value has been selected yet. I would like to be prompted for a selection to encourage them to use select. Thanks for your suggestions.


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1 answer

Just add a default parameter so angular will use that parameter if nothing is selected in ngModel or no invalid element is filled in the model. This way, you don't have to add a blank value to your collection.

<select class="form-control" 
   ng-options="v as v.Name for v in Data.people  track by v.Name">
   <!-- Add your default option here -->
   <option value="">Please select a person</option>



You can also change the text based on the condition: -

  <option value="">{{ Data.people.length ? "Please select a person" : "No one available for selection" }}</option>


You can also remove it from the DOM if it has already selected a value.

   <option ng-if="!Data.selectedPerson" value="">Please select a person</option>




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