Quickblox Android sdk 2.0 Beta some classes are missing
I am using QuickBlox android sdk 2.0 Beta and an example chat app for reference.
But some of the classes used in the application are not found in the sdk.
These classes:
com.quickblox.module.chat.QBChatRoom and
com.quickblox.module.chat.smack.SmackAndroid etc.
Can anyone provide sdk to all classes or will I have to wait for a new sdk version. Is there a specific time for a new sdk version?
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Most of these classes have been removed due to changes in the SDK. After that you can start working with your new chat:
- sample chat https://github.com/QuickBlox/quickblox-android-sdk/tree/new_api/sample-chat
- or snippets: https://github.com/QuickBlox/quickblox-android-sdk/blob/new_api/snippets/src/com/quickblox/snippets/modules/SnippetsChat.java .
- Or you can find information on how to integrate the new chat reading article on the Chat2.0 feature: http://quickblox.com/developers/Chat#SDK .
Major changes:
The SessionListener has been removed and replaced with QBEntittyCalbback when the login method is called. In addition to this, a ConnectionListener has been added to handle connection errors during a session.
The RoomListener was removed because it became unhandled. Listen to the successful result of creating or attaching a room, which you can use QBEntittyCallback or perform operations synchronously.
The ChatMessageListener has been removed and replaced with a QBMessageListener on a specific chat: QBPrivateChat or QBRoomChat.
QBChatRoom renamed QBRoomChat.
classes like SmackAndroid are no longer needed. All necessary initializations are now called in the QBChatService class using init () methods, etc.
- QBChatUtils has been renamed to Utils and removed to the com.quickblox.module.chat.utils package.
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