Quickblox Android sdk 2.0 Beta some classes are missing

I am using QuickBlox android sdk 2.0 Beta and an example chat app for reference.

But some of the classes used in the application are not found in the sdk.

These classes:





com.quickblox.module.chat.QBChatRoom and

com.quickblox.module.chat.smack.SmackAndroid etc.

Can anyone provide sdk to all classes or will I have to wait for a new sdk version. Is there a specific time for a new sdk version?


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2 answers

Quickblox Chat 2.0 is currently out. Prefer WebRTC SDK



Most of these classes have been removed due to changes in the SDK. After that you can start working with your new chat:

Major changes:

  • The SessionListener has been removed and replaced with QBEntittyCalbback when the login method is called. In addition to this, a ConnectionListener has been added to handle connection errors during a session.

  • The RoomListener was removed because it became unhandled. Listen to the successful result of creating or attaching a room, which you can use QBEntittyCallback or perform operations synchronously.

  • The ChatMessageListener has been removed and replaced with a QBMessageListener on a specific chat: QBPrivateChat or QBRoomChat.

  • QBChatRoom renamed QBRoomChat.

  • classes like SmackAndroid are no longer needed. All necessary initializations are now called in the QBChatService class using init () methods, etc.

  • QBChatUtils has been renamed to Utils and removed to the com.quickblox.module.chat.utils package.


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