Matching if / else with regex

I am currently writing a regular expression that will allow me to use a basic if / else conditional system written in JavaScript. (I know there might be easier ways to do this!)

This is the content I need to work with:

{?if language = german}Hallo!{?else}Hello!{?endif}
{?if language = german}{#greeting}{?endif}


I wrote /{\?if ([^{}]+)}(.+)(?:{\?else})?(.+)?{\?endif}/g

which unfortunately only matches part of this. I have been using RegExr for testing so far.

My expected result using an output expression 1: $1\n2: $2\n3: $3\n

would be:

1: language = german
2: Hallo!
3: Hello!

1: language = german
2: {#greeting}


Unfortunately, I get this instead:

1: language = german
2: Hallo!{?else}Hello!

1: language = german
2: {#greeting}


What am I doing wrong here? I'm relatively new to writing regex, so I'm guessing there is a way, and I'm just not doing it right.


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1 answer

First you want to make the statements +

non-greedy . Then, instead of making the third capturing group optional, just put that group inside a non-capturing group, and then the non-capturing group is optional.

/{\?if ([^{}]+)}(.+?)(?:{\?else}(.+?))?{\?endif}/g


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