Git: how to determine if a file or folder is committed versus ignored?

In Git, how to determine if a file or folder is committed versus ignored?

That is, I have a folder in the current directory and I don't know if it was executed, or if there is a .gitignore in there, where the folder is ignored. When I do "git status" the folder is not listed in any sections.

Second, if a folder has been committed, is there an easy way to determine which of its files have been committed? For example:

folder contains:
- 0001.csv
- 0002.csv
- ...
- 2000.csv


And I want to indicate which files were transferred and which were ignored.


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2 answers

I think what you are looking for git status --ignored



You are looking for

git status --ignored



This will show a result that looks like this:

No changes are made to commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -..." to revert changes in the working directory)

(all added / changed)

Files to ignore:
  (use "git add -f ..." to include in whatever gets executed)

(all ignored files)



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