How to work with serialport in Rust?

I need to use simple serial communication in my program. Unfortunately, I can't find any working examples or tutorials related to serial ports. I just need an open serial port, a port setting (given baud rate, parity, stops, etc.), Binary data write / read and close.

I tried using but this library is outdated because it compiled under rust v0.11.0-pre. In any case, this library provides functional configuration of the port, but not for its use.

Would be grateful for a simple example ...


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3 answers

There are 2 solutions depending on the OS where the code is built. For * nix OS library, should work fine for build rust 0.11.0, but for rust-0.12.0 support, the issue was open and not closed yet.

For windows files (mingw-w64), is not an easy solution because this library is based on termios calls, which are not easy to configure for mingw. This is because mingw is built against msvcrt not against glibc (see here for more information ). On Windows, a simple solution would be to write a wrapper for a library like rs232 teuniz using FFI rust.

  • Building the rs232 library using mingw gcc;

  • Create a wrapper in rust;

A short example for Windows looks like this:

extern crate libc;
use libc::{c_int,c_uchar,c_uint};
use std::os;
#[link(name = "rs232")]
extern {    
    fn RS232_OpenComport(comport_number:c_int, baudrate:c_int) ->c_int; 
    fn RS232_SendByte(comport_number:c_int, byte:c_uchar)->c_int;
    fn RS232_CloseComport(comport_number:c_int);
static  COM10:c_int=9;    
fn main() {
    let y=unsafe{RS232_OpenComport(COM10, 115200)};    
    let cl=unsafe{RS232_CloseComport(COM10)};




The UNIX serial port represents a character device that can be accessed through normal system calls that are used for file I / O. The only addition you care about the serial port is ioctl

what you use to set the baud rate and other parameters.



The serial package works fine.



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