How to run grunt from PHP script?

I am trying to execute grunt on a local project with a php script.

I have npm and the clunt cli is installed globally.

If I open a terminal and type:

cd /path/to/local/grunt/project/ && grunt


Grunt will successfully complete and complete the tasks that I have set in the gruntfile.js found in that directory.

However, when I try to shell out, do the same thing via PHP script

var_dump(shell_exec('cd /path/to/local/grunt/project/ && grunt 2>&1'));


I get:

sh: grunt: command not found


I also tried the direct path to the global CLI:

var_dump(shell_exec('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt 2>&1'));


but then i get:

env: node: No such file or directory


However, this works as expected from the terminal.

What's going on here? Why is the grunt command not found when I try to run it through php? How can I execute an exec or exec grunt wrapper from a php script?


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1 answer

You need to use absolute paths to node and grumble, so run your command like this

var_dump(shell_exec('cd /path/to/local/grunt/project/ && /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/grunt 2>&1'));




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