YEARBOOKS between two dates

I would like to have an array of summer days between two dates using MySQL / PHP.

Until now, I have done it simply, since the dates could not be in different years.

// $yw_min = yearweek of the min date
// $yw_max = yearweek of the max date
$yearweeks = array();
for ($i = $yw_min; $i <= $yw_max; $i++) {
    $yearweeks[$i] = "W " . substr($i, 4, 6);

yearweeks : Array (
[201501] => W 01
[201502] => W 02
[201503] => W 03
[201504] => W 04
[201505] => W 05


They don't work anymore as my dates may be in different years.

Having a database with all dates for 10 years in advance is not an option .

To lengthen a year when the week is> 52 is not conceivable , since I don't know if the year contains 51, 52 or 53 weeks.

Edit: here is the whole background of the story

I need to plot a weekly graph based on data. Initially I had the year and quarter of the year as just the "date".

I came up with a function to give me the year (year + quarter):

function getYearweeks($year, $quarter) {
    $min = ($quarter - 1) * 3 +1;
    $max = $quarter * 3 + 1;

    $dmin = $year . "-" . (($min < 10)?"0" . $min:$min) . "-01";
    $dmax = (($max > 12)?($year + 1) . "-01-01":$year . "-" . (($max < 10)?"0" . $max:$max) . "-01");

    $q = "SELECT YEARWEEK('" . $dmin . "',1) AS yw_min,
                 YEARWEEK(DATE_SUB('" . $dmax . "', INTERVAL 1 DAY),1) AS yw_max";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die (mysql_error()."<br />".$q."<br />");
    $d = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);

    $yw_min = $d['yw_min'];
    $yw_max = $d['yw_max'];

    $yearweeks = array();
    for ($i = $yw_min; $i <= $yw_max; $i++) {
        $yearweeks[$i] = "W " . substr($i, 4, 6);

    return $yearweeks;


The problem is that the client now wants to crawl; I added an "interval" parameter to my function, which is the number of weeks to add (or below) to the original date (year + quarter):

function getYearweeks($year, $quarter, $interval=0) {
    $min = ($quarter - 1) * 3 +1;
    $max = $quarter * 3 + 1;

    $dmin = $year . "-" . (($min < 10)?"0" . $min:$min) . "-01";
    $dmax = (($max > 12)?($year + 1) . "-01-01":$year . "-" . (($max < 10)?"0" . $max:$max) . "-01");

    $q = "SELECT YEARWEEK(DATE_ADD('" . $dmin . "', INTERVAL " . $interval . " WEEK),1) AS yw_min,
                 YEARWEEK(DATE_SUB(DATE_ADD('" . $dmax . "', INTERVAL " . $interval . " WEEK), INTERVAL 1 DAY),1) AS yw_max";

    $r = mysql_query($q) or die (mysql_error()."<br />".$q."<br />");
    $d = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);

    $yw_min = $d['yw_min'];
    $yw_max = $d['yw_max'];

    // mess up when we are between two different years
    $yearweeks = array();
    for ($i = $yw_min; $i <= $yw_max; $i++) {
        $yearweeks[$i] = "W " . substr($i, 4, 6);

    return $yearweeks;



source to share

1 answer

You can do this in PHP using the class DatePeriod

. Supply two dates (start and end, respectively) at DateTime

when creating the object as well DateInterval

as at DatePeriod



$dates = array();
$begin = new DateTime('2014-09-01'); // beginning then from
$end = new DateTime('2015-02-02');  // end

$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$daterange = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval ,$end);
foreach($daterange as $date) {
    $dates[$date->format('o W')] = 'Week ' . $date->format('W'); // iso date

echo '<pre>';


Should output:

    [2014 36] => Week 36
    [2014 37] => Week 37
    [2014 38] => Week 38
    [2014 39] => Week 39
    [2014 40] => Week 40
    [2014 41] => Week 41
    [2014 42] => Week 42
    [2014 43] => Week 43
    [2014 44] => Week 44
    [2014 45] => Week 45
    [2014 46] => Week 46
    [2014 47] => Week 47
    [2014 48] => Week 48
    [2014 49] => Week 49
    [2014 50] => Week 50
    [2014 51] => Week 51
    [2014 52] => Week 52
    [2014 01] => Week 01
    [2015 01] => Week 01
    [2015 02] => Week 02
    [2015 03] => Week 03
    [2015 04] => Week 04
    [2015 05] => Week 05
    [2015 06] => Week 06


For more information visit the DatePeriod

class in the tutorial.



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