NDK r9c - does not support std :: future

I have the following source code using std :: future.

std::future<int> A;


However, when I try to compile it with NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION: = 4.8 in the Application.mk file, it throws the error "std :: future A" is of incomplete type, etc. "

I tried looking for future.h in the android-ndk-r9c folder, however I could not find it. Does anyone know if the NDK supports std :: future? If so, which version has this support?


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3 answers

As mentioned in one of my comments, I can compile it by specifying armeabi-v7a as the target instead of armeabi.

APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_ABI :=armeabi-v7a




It seems std :: future is not available with any stl library and compilers with ndk-r9c.

Starting with ndk r9d you can use the llvm libc ++ library. The support is described as "experimental" but seems to work well enough.

Instead of your currently selected STL library (gnustl, I guess?), Use c++_shared

or c++_static

in your Application.mk, for example:

APP_ABI := all APP_STL := c++_shared NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION := clang

If you run into some runtime issues with the static version, you can add LIBCXX_FORCE_REBUILD := true

inside Application.mk to force it to restore correctly.



@pree: I am currently experimenting with the same settings in Application.mk:

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a

APP_STL := gnustl_static

APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti --std=c++11



However, while my code works fine on a Nexus 10, the app freezes on my LG phone.

EDIT: I have narrowed down the problem. The code I'm running is the following:

auto task1 = std::packaged_task<void()>([]() {
    LOG_INFO("Task1 starting");
    LOG_INFO("Task1 finishing");
auto fut1 = task1.get_future();

auto task2 = std::packaged_task<void()>([]() {
    LOG_INFO("Task2 starting");
    LOG_INFO("Task2 finishing");
auto fut2 = task2.get_future();


LOG_INFO("waiting for task1");
LOG_INFO("waiting for task1 done");

LOG_INFO("waiting for task2");
LOG_INFO("waiting for task2 done");


On Nexus 10, this code outputs the following output:

 18:14:15.365: waiting for task1
 18:14:15.365: Task1 starting
 18:14:15.365: Task2 starting
 18:14:20.370: Task1 finishing
 18:14:20.370: waiting for task1 done
 18:14:20.370: waiting for task2
 18:14:25.365: Task2 finishing
 18:14:25.365: waiting for task2 done


While on another device (LG phone), I get the following output:

 18:23:21.999: Task1 starting
 18:23:21.999: waiting for task1
 18:23:26.999: Task1 finishing
 18:23:26.999: waiting for task1 done
 18:23:26.999: waiting for task2
 18:23:26.999: Task2 starting
 18:23:37.178: Task2 finishing
 18:23:37.178: waiting for task2 done


This means that on the LG device, the second task waits for the first to complete until it starts. However, the problem comes from std :: packaging_task and not from std :: future, because the following code behaves as expected on both devices:

std::promise<void> promise1;
auto task1 = std::function<void()>([&]() {
    LOG_INFO("Task1 starting");
    LOG_INFO("Task1 finishing");
auto fut1 = promise1.get_future();

std::promise<void> promise2;
auto task2 = std::function<void()>([&]() {
    LOG_INFO("Task2 starting");
    LOG_INFO("Task2 finishing");
auto fut2 = promise2.get_future();


LOG_INFO("waiting for task1");
LOG_INFO("waiting for task1 done");

LOG_INFO("waiting for task2");
LOG_INFO("waiting for task2 done");


Perhaps I misunderstood something?



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