Gnuplot: draw a filled rectangle in 3d plot (splot)

Is it possible to add a black rectangle (in the z = 0 plane) to a splot in gnuplot? I've tried splotting:

splot 0


which resulted in (with different parameters) different colors when setting the range and pm3d option. I found an option for plotting rectangles in 2d:

set object rectangle from 0,0,0 to my maximum


Does the 3d environment have a drawing tool?

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

To add a rectangle you can add an object polygon

(object is rectangle

not supported in 3d):

max_x = 7
max_y = 4
set object 1 polygon from 0,0,0 to max_x,0,0 to max_x, max_y,0 to 0, max_y,0 fillstyle solid noborder fillcolor rgb 'dark-green'

set ticslevel 0
set xrange [0:10]
set yrange [0:10]
set xlabel 'xlabel'
set ylabel 'ylabel'
set view 40,30

splot x


splot x

is just an exam, you need a graph command to display the object anyway.

Example output with a filled polygon at z = 0


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