Troubleshoot unreproducible SegFault CMake build

I have a C ++ project that uses CMake to build and we also have Atlassian Bamboo as our CI build server. My tests are defined using C ++ GoogleTest. I have a test case suite_simple_budgeting

that, when run as a standalone executable, works fine and all tests pass, but when I run it as part of a ie make test

or CI build ctest -T Test

, it fails with SegFault

. To complicate matters, this only happens with the Bamboo CI build, as my user I am not getting SegFault anyway. If I run it under valgrind I see no errors either.

Is there a flag or a way to show what happens when running tests via ctest -T Test

eg. I would like to see the exception output, how can I do this?


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1 answer

Use an argument -VV

to see all ctest output:


    Enable more verbose output from tests.

    Test output is normally suppressed and only summary
    information is displayed. This option will show even more test output.




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