How do I comment / use documents in Pylint mode?

Disabling Pylint validation or bypassing one of its warnings shouldn't be without a clear reason. I would like to comment on these reasons in the place where I disabled it; so far, without success.

As an example, let's say a class with only a constructor and one method. Which is what Peelint warns about for reasons, while there might be so many good reasons to turn off this warning locally.

class Foo(object):  # pylint: disable=R0903 --- Closure object

    def __init__(self, data):

    def single_method(argument):


With the above, Pylint not only warns about "too few public methods", but even additionally complains about "incorrect parameter value" R0903 --- "Closed object".

The question is broader rational than this single example (maybe I don't know a better way to achieve closure in Python), and I'd like to comment on most of these built-in directives, the same line, for clarity and simplicity. By the way, it can also be helpful to remind you what the option is for. For example, reminding # pylint: disable=R0903 --- Too few public methods

(to stay on one example).

In less words: is there a way to comment out Pylint directives in-line?


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3 answers

As of pylint 1.5.0 , you can do # pylint: disable=no-member; any text here




This works for me:

class Foo(object):  # (Closure object) pylint: disable=R0903

def __init__(self, data):

def single_method(argument):


My pylint version

(doisub)> $ pylint --version                                              
pylint 1.5.4,
astroid 1.4.4
Python 2.7.11 (default, Dec 22 2015, 11:45:03)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)]




Pylint does not support comment directives. But since 0.25.3 you can use symbolic names . If you want / need a comment you will have to use the second line (I usually add comments above my Pylint directives)



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