How to dump json without quotes in python
Before doing string replacement, you may want strip
print '"a,b,c"'.strip('"')
This is closer to what you want to achieve. Even simply removing the first and last characters works: '"a,b,c"'[1:-1]
But have you looked into this question ?
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Well, this is invalid json, so the module json
won't help you write this data. But you can do this:
import json
with open('es_hosts.json', 'w') as fp:
data = ['a', 'b', 'c']
fp.write(json.dumps(','.join(data)).replace('"', ''))
This is because you asked json
, but since it is not json, this should be sufficient:
with open('es_hosts.json', 'w') as fp:
data = ['a', 'b', 'c']
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To remove quotes in keys only, which might be important if you parse it afterwards (presumably with some tolerant parser, or perhaps just pipe it directly to node
for unusual reasons), you can try the following regex.
re.sub(r'(?<!: )"(\S*?)"', '\\1', json_string)
One problem is that this regex expects fields to be split key: value
and it will fail for key:value
. You can make it work for the latter with minor modifications, but in a similar way it will not work for variable number of spaces after:
There may be other cases of edges, but it will work with pins json.dumps
, however the results will not be parsed by json. Some more bearable parsers like yaml
that might read the results.
import re
regex = r'(?<!: )"(\S*?)"'
o = {"noquotes" : 127, "put quotes here" : "and here", "but_not" : "there"}
s = json.dumps(o)
s2 = json.dumps(o, indent=3)
strip_s = re.sub(regex,'\\1',s)
strip_s2 = re.sub(regex,'\\1',s2)
assert(json.loads(strip_s) == json.loads(s) == json.loads(strip_s2) == json.loads(s2) == object)
Will pick up ValueError
but print what you want.
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