Detection while idle thread ThreadPoolExecutor

I use ThreadPoolExecutor

to manage the number of threads, I can catch the new thread creation event for the ThreadPool via ThreadFactory->newThread()

But now I know how to catch the kill event of a Thread that stays dormant for 2 minutes like the following config.

I searched for a listener method but couldn't find it.

public abstract class ThreadPoolEventProcessor<E>  implements ThreadFactory{

   private BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskQueue;
   private ThreadPoolExecutor executor;

   protected ThreadPoolEventProcessor(int coreThreadSize, int maxQueueSize) {
      taskQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxQueueSize);
      executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(coreThreadSize, coreThreadSize * 5, 2L, TimeUnit.MINUTES, taskQueue,this); 

  public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
      return new Thread(r, getWorkerName());



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The ThreadPoolExecutor class has a set of workers, which are runnable classes that are managed by threads in the pool.

When the worker is executed, the workerDone callback is executed. And there you see the tryTerminate method being called. This is the method that decides whether to terminate the thread or not. You should be able to debug at this point

 * Performs bookkeeping for an exiting worker thread.
 * @param w the worker
void workerDone(Worker w) {
    final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock;
    try {
        completedTaskCount += w.completedTasks;
        if (--poolSize == 0)
    } finally {


/* Termination support. */

 * Transitions to TERMINATED state if either (SHUTDOWN and pool
 * and queue empty) or (STOP and pool empty), otherwise unless
 * stopped, ensuring that there is at least one live thread to
 * handle queued tasks.
 * This method is called from the three places in which
 * termination can occur: in workerDone on exit of the last thread
 * after pool has been shut down, or directly within calls to
 * shutdown or shutdownNow, if there are no live threads.
private void tryTerminate() {
    if (poolSize == 0) {
        int state = runState;
        if (state < STOP && !workQueue.isEmpty()) {
            state = RUNNING; // disable termination check below
        if (state == STOP || state == SHUTDOWN) {
            runState = TERMINATED;





does not kill threads. It will fetch new streams from ThreadFactory

and have them run

a Worker

. This whole work cycle is doing a loop trying to extract Runnable

from the base BlockingQueue


If he gets one, he calls run

on it.

If you allowCoreThreadTimeOut


also have more employees than the principal, then the value is keepAliveTime

used to poll that base BlockingQueue

. If it poll

does null

, then the worker is (potentially) removed. Some additional cleanup is done, and calls to various methods are popped off the stack as methods return

until the method Worker#run()

completes and the containing stream ends.

Nowhere in this thread ThreadPoolExecutor

offers any notification hooks.

You can poll ThreadPoolExecutor#getPoolSize()

and ThreadPoolExecutor#getLargestPoolSize()

for information periodically.



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