Debugging Golang using GDB?

I have 2 questions about GDB + golang?

1) Go build GCC flags 


when i run "go build" what gcc flags does the go builder use to build the program? Build value is the same as "GOGCCFLAGS" set in go envionment?

GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common"


because I don't see the -g "or" -g3 "flags to add a code character. If so, how can the character table be compiled?

2) How to print a value in GDB I followed the tutorial here GDB debug go tutorial but it doesn't seem to be what I asked.

The value print 1, while actual is 1024

BTW, I noticed there is a post about this gdb debug go  However, it doesn't work for me either. the value is not what I set


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3 answers

Go does not work well with GDB and one of the known issues is printing values.

More information can be found here .



Golang works well with GDB now

Here is a sample golang app gdbtest

- gdbtest/
  - main.go


Let's take the following example main.go

package main

import "fmt"

type MyStruct struct {
    x string
    i int
    f float64

func main() {
    x := "abc"
    i := 3

    ms := &MyStruct{
        x: "cba",
        i: 10,
        f: 11.10335,


Save this value to main.go . Then compile the checkbox gcflag


go build -gcflags "-N"

Open gdb with the newly created golang app.

gdb gdbtest
# or 


You now have complete control over gdb. For example, add a breakpoint using the command br <linenumber>

, then run the application withrun

(gdb) br 22
Breakpoint 1 at 0x2311: file /go/src/, line 22.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /go/src/

Breakpoint 1, main.main () at /go/src/
22              fmt.Println(ms)


Now you can print all local variables

(gdb) info locals
i = 3
ms = 0x20819e020
x = 0xdb1d0 "abc"


Even access pointers

(gdb) p ms
$1 = (struct main.MyStruct *) 0x20819e020
(gdb) p *ms
$2 = {x = 0xdb870 "cba", i = 10, f = 11.103350000000001}




The accepted answer is outdated. Golang currently works with GDB (including local ones) if you build with flags -gcflags=all="-N -l"

as described in the official documentation



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