Custom formatted map in Thymeleaf view

I am trying to convert a map with a custom Formatter.

I created a @LongCurrency Annotation that converts long values ​​like this:

Long → String

22 → 00.22

3310 → 33.10

String → Long

3 → 3

22.11 → 2211

( Custom formatting with Spring MVC annotation )

Everything is still working. Now I would like to convert the card with this formatting. Here are some pseudo codes to show what I am trying to accomplish.

private Map<Integer, Long> test;

//only to make clear what I am trying to do.
private Map<Integer, @LongCurrency Long> test; 


The second way would be to use the transform utility object from Thymeleaf.

I've tried something like this:


 model.addAttribute("test", 3333L);



<td th:text="${#conversions.convert(${test},LongCurrency)}}"></td>


but that won't work. Errormessage : org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException : Could not parse expression: $ {# conversionions.convert ($ {test}, LongCurrency)}}

I would appreciate help or ideas in one or both ways.

EDIT1: "normal" annotated long value works


private long test2;



<div th:text="${{test2}}" >



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1 answer

I have a third way to work for me. I have created a LongCurrencyService that calls the parse and print methods of my Formatter class.

public class LongCurrencyService {

    public static String LongToStringCurrency(Long value) {
        LongCurrencyFormatter longCurrencyFormatter = new LongCurrencyFormatter();
        return longCurrencyFormatter.print(value, Locale.GERMAN);

    public static Long StringToLongCurrency(String value) throws ParseException {
        LongCurrencyFormatter longCurrencyFormatter = new LongCurrencyFormatter();
        return longCurrencyFormatter.parse(value, Locale.GERMAN);


In my Thymeleaf, I use EL:

 <h1 th:text="${@longCurrencyService.LongToStringCurrency(test)}"></h1>


which prints 33.33 as needed.

My way works for me, but I don't want me to accept my own answer. This is not an answer to my question, how to comment on a map using formatting.



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