List of exercises in the prologue

So my professor on campus asked us to solve this exercise, but it is very difficult and I have been trying for 2 days now. Anyway, these are:

I am given a list, for example [a,b,c,d,w,n,i,c,k,a,b,c,d,w]

, and in that list I need to find out if there is a suspicious sublist. A count is considered "suspicious" if

1) the same sublist is at the beginning and at the end,

2) contains "w",

3) its length is 5.

The list I am giving has a "suspicious" sublist.

If there is a suspicious sublist, the program should return the sublist, or if the program should not [o,k]


Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks! (sorry if I wrote something wrong)


So, after some help, here's the asnwer:






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3 answers

Prolog is a declarative language: describe a solution in terms of constraints and let the engine do the job.

We can determine the membership in the list like this:

contains( [X|Xs] , X ) :- ! .
contains( [_|Xs] , X ) :- contains(Xs,X) .


We can determine if the first element of a list is the same as its last element using the built-in predicate append/3


list_starts_and_ends_with_identical( [X|Xs] ) :-
  append( [X|_] , [X] , [X|Xs] )


Or, if you prefer to use your own:

list_starts_and_ends_with_identical( [A|Xs] ) :-
  list_ends_with( Xs , A )

list_ends_with( [A]     , A ) .
list_ends_with( [B,C|D] , A ) :-
  list_ends_with( [C|D] , A )


And we can list the sublists of the required length as follows:

sublist_of_length( Xs, L , Ys ) :- % to enumerate sublists of the desired length,
  integer(L) ,                     % - validate that the length is an integer, and
  L > 0 ,                          % - validate that the length is positive, and
  length(Ys,L) ,                   % - construct a list of unbound variables of the desired length, and
  sl(Ys,L)                         % - invoke the helper
  .                                %

sl( [X|Xs] , L ) :-                % to enumerate sublists,
  append( L , _ , [X|Xs] )         % - simply get the prefix of the desired length
  .                                %
sl( [_|Xs] , L ) :-                % on backtracking,
  sl( Xs , L )                     % - just recurse down on the tail of the list, discarding the first element.


Then all we have to do is collect the parts:

suspect_sublist( Xs , L ) :-                 % the source list Xs contains a suspect sublist L, IF...
  sublist_of_length( Xs , 5 , L ) ,         % - L is a sublist of Xs having length 5, and
  contains( L , w ) ,                        % - L contains the atom 'w', and
  list_starts_and_ends_with_identical( L ) , % - the first element of L is identical to the last.
  .                                          % Easy!




This is a good example of using DCG:

list_suspect(Xs, Ys) :-
   length(Ys, 5),
   phrase(( seq(Ys), ..., seq(Ys) ), Xs),
   phrase((...,"w",...), Ys).

... --> [] | [_], ... .

seq([]) --> [].
seq([E|Es]) --> [E], seq(Es).


And here is a version using append/3


list_suspect(Xs, Ys) :-
    Ys = [_,_,_,_,_],
    append(Ys,Is, Xs),
    append(_, Ys, Is).
    append("w", _, W), % or: "w" = [C], W = [C|_]
    append(_, W, Ys).


Is this more readable? I think no.

Part c [o,k]

looks a little unnatural to me, but it will:

  list_ret(Xs, Ys) :-
     list_suspect(Xs, Ys).
  list_ret(Xs, Ys) :-
     \+ list_suspect(Xs,_),
     Ys = "ok".




one liner using append / 2

suspect(L, S) :-
    length(S, 5), append([S,_,S], L), memberchk(w, S) -> true ; S = [o,k].


edit as specified false, buggy definition (lack of durability ?): rule changed

suspect(L, R) :-
    length(S, 5), append([S,_,S], L), memberchk(w, S) -> S = R ; R = [o,k].




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