Pycharm doesn't remember my SVN credentials

I am on MacOS 1.9 using PyCharm 3.4.1 and have a local SVN 1.7 client installed. My problem is that PyCharm keeps asking me for my credentials every time the network is lost (so every time I open my computer, it's time for it to connect to WiFi). Even if I click "Save Credentials", it keeps asking about it. Whereas the SVN client (from classic terminal) caches my credentials correctly. According to JetBrain's related page, the credentials are saved / read from .subversion / auth, which appears to be filled in correctly in my case (and my SVN client is used). Someone has a similar problem ... and found a solution?


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1 answer

This could be a Mac thing more than a Pichard thing, since I am also on OS X and had to be in charge of answering related questions, namely:

It was only after this last action that PyCharm then ran the SVN commands without asking for my password. In some docs on OS X can only be used keystore

as a value for password-stores

, but PyCharm does not try to use Keychain directly and does not forward the permission request caused by svn under the hood. So, you need to directly use svn

to see and accept the permission request.



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