How to turn off auto selection in adac adfl tables?

in oracle adf when we drop the table from Data Controls to the jsf page and when we run the project the table row is preselected. what should i do on first page load without lines?
I am using jdeveloper 11g R2.


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3 answers

Try to remove the selected RowKeys attribute in the table properties:

<af:table value="#{bindings.View1.collectionModel}" 


If you have a master / child relationship, set the update condition for the child to "ifNeeded".

Once the user selects the rows and fires the event, the bean gets the table handle in the backup (various ways to do this), you can get the selected rows using:

Iterator tableIterator = tableHandle.getSeletedRowKeys().Iterator();
if (tableIterator.hasNext()) { stuff


After you have processed the selection (s), you can clear the selection and add a partial target to show the table again without selection. First update the table iterator, then clear the selected keys:

if (tableHandle.getSelectedRowKeys() != null) {




Refer to this, it can help you to disable rowSelection permanently, you can set the rowSelection table to none and remove it so that the select listener and the selected rowkey See this - 09 / how-to-disable-adf-default-row.html Thanks



You can use the rowSelection = "none" property for the af: table to disable row selection.




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