Intellisense not working on MS test files

In Visual Studio 2013, I have a unit test (MS Test) project that suddenly no longer supports intellisense. I type Assert.

and no suggestions appear, but if I type something invalid it highlights it as an error.

Intellisense works on my main project without issue. My settings are as follows:

enter image description here

I must add that the creation of "Hide advanced members" is irrelevant. Withering, preserving, and then pulling back doesn't matter either.

Has anyone experienced this before, maybe VS2012?


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1 answer

I had exactly the same problem. Intellisense only worked on my main project, not on a unit test project.

In my case, it returned after closing VS 2013 and restarting it.

Cleanliness and remodeling change nothing. Changing the text editor options did not make any difference.

I did a unit test project a long time after I created my main project. Perhaps the global parameters got distorted in some way when I was doing a test project.

Anyway, just restarting VS2013 solved my problem.

Hope it helps.



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