Change the IP address of Team Foundation Server 2013

I am working on a project on Mining Server Foundation Server 2013. Server backend server system IP changed by our network administrator and our visual studio clients are not working now. we can reconnect to the new IP and get the latest version of the project, but our files will be lost. we do not check the project before changing the IP address of the server machine. How can we save the project changes and change the tfs IP? How do I update my solution with the new server information?


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2 answers

My suggestion was to use friendly DNS names in your environment so that you can make sure that no matter how your environment changes - disaster recovery, upgrades, topology changes, etc. - that your team can always connect to all the components of Team Foundation Server. I wrote a blog post about this approach here:

There are several DNS names that I recommend apart from what most people think of using. Hope this helps you move forward.

Using Friendly DNS Names with Team Foundation Server



You can manually edit the host file to redirect the old TFS IP to the new server. This way, all of your Visual Studio clients can connect and check for changes.

After that, you can delete the host file edit and just connect to the new environment.

This page contains some useful information on how to modify the host file.



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