How to add DatePicker to ClientTemplate for Kendo MVC Grid

I am trying to pipe my code from syncfusion to telerik kendo MVC UI, I need to show Datepicker in a Grid cell and for which I did in a grid column as:

columns.Add("TemplateCol").Title("Out of date").TemplateColumn(true).TemplateName("TemplateOutOfDate");


and for TemplateOutOfDate I did in a separate .cshtml file like

@Html.Syncfusion().DatePicker("OutOfDate" + Model.ID.ToString(), Model.OutOfDate).DefaultDate(Model.OutOfDate).DisplayDefaultDateOnLoad(true).DateFormat(Model.DefaultDateFormat).Width(75).OnSelect("onselect")


This one .cshtml

works fine in Syncfusion grid, but when I migrate this code to Kendo().Grid

it doesn't work So please tell me we can achieve this using ClientTemplate to add DatePicker to Kendo grid.

Thank you, Agit


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1 answer

try it

columns.Bound(c => c.BirthDate).HtmlAttributes(new
        @class = "templateCell"

      .HtmlAttributes(new { data_bind = "value:BirthDate" })


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