Half color box in R

Is there anyway for the built-in R boxplot function to create boxes with different colors for the top and bottom boxes? Something like that:

enter image description here

Here is the function I came up with:

h.boxplot <- function(..., col.top='orange', col.bottom='yellow', col.scheme='none'){
    cols = c(col.top, col.bottom)
    if(col.scheme != 'none'){
      cs =  list(blue=c('#0071c1', '#3198ff'), green=c('#008001', '#99cc00'), yellow=c('#ffcc00', '#cc9900'))
      stopifnot(col.scheme %in% names(cs))
      cols = cs[[col.scheme]]

    bx<-boxplot(..., col = "white", lty=1, boxlwd=0.00001)
    n = length(bx$names)

    rect(1:n-.4, bx$stats[2,], 1:n+.4, bx$stats[3,], col=cols[2], border=NA)
    rect(1:n-.4, bx$stats[3,], 1:n+.4, bx$stats[4,], col=cols[1], border=NA)

# Examples
data = list(A=1:10, B=20:50)
h.boxplot(data, col.scheme='green', outline=F, frame=F)
h.boxplot(data, col.scheme='blue', outline=F, frame=F)


Should give something like:

enter image description here

colors r plot visualization boxplot

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1 answer

This is not a parameter that you can set on the base boxplot

to get this behavior, but you can fake it by drawing rectangles over the graph with different colors. for example

bx<-boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
rect(1:6-.4, bx$stats[2,], 1:6+.4, bx$stats[3,], col="orange")
rect(1:6-.4, bx$stats[3,], 1:6+.4, bx$stats[4,], col="yellow")


enter image description here

You can continue customization as you like.


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