DLL profiling in Visual Studio 2013 Pro cannot find VSPerfControl.Interop

I've tried debugging DLLs in Visual Studio 2013 Pro and I keep getting these errors

Could not load file or assembly 'VSPerfControl.Interop, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a

I've been stuck with this for a while and I would appreciate any comments. The MSDN website only talks about the premium version of VS, so I'm not sure if dll profiling actually works on Professional


c ++ profiling dll visual-studio-2013

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2 answers

The issue was resolved by reinstalling it to the default folder.


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The problem can be resolved without reinstalling

You need to do:

1 - Open the start menu by clicking eg Windows logo on Windows, Windows logo on your keyboard.

2 - From the start menu enter dev . This will bring up a list of installed apps matching your search pattern. If you're looking for a different command line, try a different search term, such as a prompt.

3 - select developer command line (or command line prompt you want to use) - RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR

4 - Now you need to check if VSPerfControl.Interop is in this path: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 \ Team Tools \ Performance Tools

5 - If it doesn't, you need to reinstall. If there is, you need to navigate to this path using the command line (cd C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 \ Team Tools \ Performance Tools)

6 - After that you have to execute this command line:

gacutil / i VSPerfControl.Interop.dll

Now open Visual Studio and be happy !!!


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