Is it possible to write a function in haskell: (r & # 8594; [a]) & # 8594; [r & # 8594; a])?
If you want to fix the size of the feature list, it will work.
dn :: [r -> a] -> (r -> [a])
dn fns r = map ($ r)
up :: Int -> (r -> [a]) -> [r -> a]
up n f = tabulate n (\i r -> f' r !! i)
f' = cycle . f
tabulate n f = map f [0..n-1]
Now we can get up
as "view" to the left of dn
... assuming we shuffle some length information:
id1 :: [r -> a] -> [r -> a]
id1 ls = up (length ls) (dn ls)
and it could be the "kind" of the right inverse to dn
if we magically know (a) that for each the r
length of the list of results is the [a]
same and (b) we know that the length is (below magic
id2 :: (a -> [b]) -> a -> [b]
id2 f = dn . up magic
This answer is basically equivalent to the comment copumpkin
for the answer leftroundabout
, but instead of executing it using types, I manually pass in the (fixed) length information. If you play around a bit with up
and dn
, you'll see why this doesn't work at all for lists at all.
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[a] โ
only used for infinite lists. For them, your requested function is actually quite simple, although the implementation of na & iuml; ve is not very efficient:
type InfiList = []
unwind :: (r -> InfiList a) -> InfiList(r -> a)
unwind f = [ \x -> f x !! n | n <- [0..] ]
Actually [a] โ
1 + a * (1 + a * (1 + ...))
; the power law does not work here.
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Intuitively, this is not possible if the length of the lists is not known in advance.
This is because the type r -> [a]
roughly matches the following:
- Make an input like
- Print a natural number
(including infinite) - List values โโof
Take as an example
replicateA :: Int -> [Char] -- r = Int , a = Char
replicateA 0 = []
replicateA n = 'A' : replicate (n-1)
By comparison, the type is [r -> a]
roughly the following:
- Print a natural number
(including infinite) - In each of the
list items :- Make an input like
- Output type value
- Make an input like
The key fact here is that the length of the list must be prepared before you know the input r
. This cannot be done, in general, since the length may depend on r
, as the above example shows replicateA
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