JAPE Rule Sentence contains multiple cases
How can I check if a sentence contains combinations? For example, consider a proposal. John has been named the new CEO of Google. I need to write a rule to check if the sentence contains <'new' + 'Jobtitle'>. How can I achieve this. I've tried following. I need to check if there is a new word before the word.
Rule: CustomRules
Sentence contains {Lookup.majorType == "organization"},
Sentence contains {Lookup.majorType == "jobtitle"},
Sentence contains {Lookup.majorType == "person_first"}
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1 answer
One way to deal with this is to bring it back. Focus on the consistency you need and then get coverage. Sentence:
{Token@string == "new"}
{Lookup.majorType = "jobtitle"}
You should check this edge when Sentence starts after "new", for example:
You can use something like this:
{Token ... } {!Sentence, Lookup.majorType ...}
And then get a suggestion (if you really need it) in the java RHS:
long end = newJTAnnots.lastNode().getOffset();
long start = newJTAnnots.firstNode().getOffset();
AnnotationSet sentences = inputAS.get("Sentence", start, end);
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